What Do I Need To Know If I Am Taking A Flex Course? Print

Modified on: Wed, 13 Jul, 2022 at 10:57 AM


We are so excited you will be joining us for the on-campus portion of your flex class. We have been working hard to ensure that you can have both a rewarding educational experience, and attend classes as safely as possible during this time of COVID. These two goals can at times be in tension and we have done thorough research and planning to meet the needs of both. You will notice some differences right away from our typical classroom experience therefore, we want to prepare you as well as go over some of the expectations for you while you are in your class. Again, please know your safety and the safety of your community are paramount to us. As such many of these changes will be in regards to maximizing social distancing protocols.


All parking lot gates will be opened for your use on days class is held.

Campus facilities

For the most part, most campus buildings will remain closed during the fall term except for Bueerman Hall (BH) and the library (you can see more on that below). Your access to Bueerman Hall will be limited to only the first floor. Entry to Bueerman Hall will be through the east doorway while exiting will be through the west doorway. These will be marked for you. Masks must be worn at all times while inside buildings and outside if you cannot maintain 6ft of social distancing per Multnomah County. Removing the mask in designated eating areas (or outside) is of course allowed under this guidance. Restroom access in the building will be the bathrooms on the first floor of BH only. BH 104 will serve as your classroom and BH 105 has been modified as a student break room with a fridge and microwave. You are asked to being any items in a bag and contained within the refrigerator. No loose items allowed. The maximum occupancy for the student break room (BH 105) will be 9 people. You are encouraged to eat outside as the weather permits.


There will be some significant changes in the classroom as well. Seats in BH 103 have been distanced to allow for a maximum of 19 students. Students should sit only in the chairs with the red Western ‘W’ on them. Considerations to prepare for:

  • Students will enter through the BH 104 door and exit through the BH 103 (the dividing wall will be partially closed. Please do not gather in BH 103.)
  • Hand sanitizer, wipes, and masks are provided for your use. We would encourage you to bring your own mask, but we will have some provided if you need them. We ask that you just use one for your whole class period.
  • Masks must be worn at all times in the classroom, even when participating in class discussions.
  • Your instructor will be permitted to not wear a mask only while teaching. We have created a minimum 13 foot area around the teaching area for distancing. Your instructor will wear a mask any other time.
  • Instructors will take daily attendance of those present in the room for contact tracing purposes.
  • Students will be limited to only the first floor of BH. The coffee closet will remain closed.
  • No eating or drinking is permitted in the classroom. The only exception is drinking with bottles that have a straw so that your mask does not need to be removed.
  • Students may switch from the on campus to Zoom format, but will not be able to switch back. Additionally, they cannot change from Zoom to on campus.


  • The library will re-open starting September 9, 2020 and be open Monday, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9AM-4PM.
  • Maximum occupancy will be 25 total people.
  • Study areas have been moved around to maximize social distancing.
  • Masks will need to be worn at all times.
  • Visitors will need to sign in at the entrance for contact tracing purposes

Cleaning and Sanitizing

The classroom, bathrooms, BH 105, and entry ways will be cleaned and disinfected before each class section. We ask that you take your part during class breaks, lunch, and the like, to wipe down your area after use and to make sure to use CDC guidelines for hygiene with handwashing. We are all in this together.


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